According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) there were an estimated 76,000 pedestrians in the United States hit by a vehicle in the year 2012. Out of that number, 4,743 were tragically killed. Or put another way, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and hit every 7 minutes.
When an accident occurs with a pedestrian, due to their vulnerability, often the pedestrian is seriously injured, while many times the vehicle and its’ occupants suffer no damage.
Common reasons that pedestrian accidents occur
- The driver is distracted in some way including texting, talking on the phone, or fooling with something in the car.
- The driver is drunk.
- The pedestrian is drunk or distracted and walks too close to traffic.
- The driver is speeding.
- The pedestrian or the driver does not pay attention to traffic signs and signals.
- The driver is not looking when they back the car up.
Tips to avoid hitting a pedestrian
- As a driver you must slow down when you see a pedestrian.
- Make eye contact with the pedestrian. Don’t just assume they are not going to cross the street. Keep an eye on them.
- Remember that pedestrians are much more vulnerable.
- Pay extra attention to anyone that is not in a vehicle. Skateboarders, cyclists, walkers, joggers etc.
Pedestrian tips to avoid getting hit
- Always wear bright clothing so that drivers have no trouble seeing you.
- Use crosswalks.
- Stay away from the road and if there is a sidewalk, use it!
- Walk against traffic, not with it. You will be able to see better if a car is about to hit you.
When there is an accident involving a pedestrian, safety always comes first. Make certain the person injured receives appropriate medical attention. Whether you are the driver or pedestrian, never admit fault but rather take pictures, document everything that occurred and call an experienced lawyer immediately to help you navigate the legal waters.