Some of the best films of all time are the tense, stressful courtroom battles that keep you on the edge of your seat. Many people have various opinions as to which are the top rated movies, but Martin Chilton, Culture Editor for The Telegraph website recently Continue Reading
What’s the Deal With The Rise in Talcum Powder Lawsuits?
For generations, talcum powder has been a staple in many American households as both a cosmetic and consumer product. However, since 1971, there have been over 20 studies linking this talcum powder to ovarian cancer. Sixteen of these studies found that women using Continue Reading
What’s the Difference Between a Tort and a Crime?
Although their definitions seem similar on the surface, there are actually several differences between torts and crimes. Torts, simply put, deal with areas of the law that govern whether or not an individual should be held responsible for the injuries or other sorts Continue Reading
How Can an Attorney Impeach a Witness?
During a trial, there are times when an attorney (usually the opposition) attempts to impeach a witness by challenging the person’s credibility. It’s basically a direct attack on the character of the person who is testifying. Witness impeachment often occurs during Continue Reading