Most personal injuries are caused by the negligence of another driver, a manufacturing company or even a marketing strategist who failed to see defects. However, sometimes those injuries are caused by employees of state or federal government agencies. Unfortunately, Continue Reading
What’s the Difference Between a Tort and a Crime?
Although their definitions seem similar on the surface, there are actually several differences between torts and crimes. Torts, simply put, deal with areas of the law that govern whether or not an individual should be held responsible for the injuries or other sorts Continue Reading
Florida Social Host Laws: What You Need to Know
Florida is one state that has enacted a social host liability law. This law’s purpose is to curve liability away from social hosts in the event of an alcohol-related accident. For example, if a social host provides alcohol at a gathering and an DUI car accident occurs Continue Reading
Increased Instances of Police Abusing Power
It’s a story we’ve all heard before, and it’s a sad one – the story of police abusing power. The sad reality is that even though most of the modern police force is made up of dedicated officers who are sworn to protect the innocent in our society, many do abuse their Continue Reading